Shana Janelle On...

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43 & Me

So I made it to the big 4-3. How am I supposed to feel? Well for starters - grateful. Your girl has experienced a LOT, and most of it wasn’t by force.

Quite a few of my dumb ass decisions were through no fault but my own. I chose the path of most resistance it seems, however I wouldn’t be half the woman I am today without those tests.

Would I do any of it different given the chance? Of course! But this life of mine has given some splendid memories that I wouldn’t trade for anything. It’s about balance and perseverance and as an Aries woman I tap into my power to face any challenge and rise above it as only the first sign of the zodiac can do!

And so as I listen to my kids mumble and breathe as they sleep peacefully knowing good and well we had a birthday breakfast date, feel the sun beam on my back when it was scheduled to rain all day today and marvel at the ability to still give a little Megan knee when required for a photo, I give thanks for the gift of another year, and I look forward to what’s to come.

Happy Birthday Shana, Love Shana